Monday, March 1, 2010


  1. Hey, Aimee! I think it would be great to include some guest speakers in the math classroom. These guest speakers should discuss the relevance/importance of math in their daily work. I would even suggest bringing in someone who uses minimal (but integral) math in their work as well as someone who is engrossed in mathematics in their daily work (someone in the financial field). I think some math classrooms are too stuck on memorization of equations and concepts rather than exploring their mathematical way of thinking. Bringing in some relevancy really brings students to the realization that math actually has value outside the classroom

  2. Aimee, we're on the same wave length today. I agree that we need to try to make learning relevant and applicable to future careers. I also think that I will likely use POWs too. I like the idea of using them to launch a unit. I hope that I can use them more often than that too.
